The weather looked good, it was time to say goodbye to Ithaca and move on to Kefalonia. I picked the anchorage that Vandy had recommended and we were ready to go. Poseidon had other plans for us however. It started out with the usual morning winds coming from the exact opposite direction from every forecast. We were used to this by now, even expected it, and motored out. The NW wind finally settled in when we were in the strait in between Ithaca and Kefalonia and we were suddenly doing 6.5 knots under half a jib alone – woohee! However, as we rounded the southeastern point of Kefalonia, the wind was on our nose (20 knots) and the waves were stacked against us. After slogging along at speeds as low as 1.3 knots, we realized there was no need to punish ourselves, and we turned around.

A nice little chartplotter note

We rounded the point again and threaded our way in closer to shore where there was already a catamaran at anchor off Skala beach. We dropped the hook and rested for the evening. Whew.

What a difference a day makes