Dinghy sailing in Spartia

We decided to push further along the southern coast of Kefalonia than our original plan from the day before and head to Spartia. Coincidentally friends Karin and Holger of s/v RiverCafe were already at anchor in that exact bay!

The anchorage is huge and we dropped the hook at the base of stunning limestone cliffs with a few other boats. Once again the water was the most amazing shade of blue, and the sand beneath held the anchor well. Holger came over and we made plans to meet ashore for drinks that afternoon.

Holger & Trip

The Water Way restaurant has some of the slowest service we have ever experienced, but the drinks were certainly tasty and the view over the bay was surreal. It was great to catch up with Holger and Karin, as well as to meet their daughter Jill and grandchildren Henry & Hannah that were visiting. Afterwards, Trip and I headed further up the hill to the restaurant Isalos (meaning a boat’s water line) where we had a great meal. What they lacked in view they made up for in their own ambiance and food quality.

Isalos restaurant

The next morning I got up for an early paddle before the winds kicked in and meandered my way along the beaches and cliffs. I was even able to sit and watch and listen to the alpine swifts which nest in the cliffs (ID thanks to Vandy).

The limestone cliffs and the homes of the alpine swifts

The next day we met up again with Ian and Jackie of s/v Nova Jean, who popped in for a quick visit on their way south to Zakinthos (I don’t know how we forget to take photos every time we’re together….grrrrr). After drinks and catch-up with them, we headed over to the north side of the bay to meet Karin, Holger, and et all, for dinner again. It was quite the long dinghy ride, but the stronger winds held off and we did fine despite our little outboard.

Ceiling decor at Deni’s Seaside restaurant
The effect of a long and slightly wet dinghy ride

Dinner was great. Eventually, though, the kids were fading, so Holger took them and their mom back to the boat and then returned so that the four of us could keep up with our conversation (and our drinking). By the time we left, it was close to 11pm. It was a long & very dark dinghy ride back, but the stronger winds still held off, and we slept like babies.

Spartia (part II)

You know it’s time to move on when the bartender automatically knows to make your watermelon mojito when you walk up the path…..we had dinner at Isalos one last time and enjoyed the vibe.