As the season comes to an end, I need to start getting creative with my cooking. I go through what’s left on board that will spoil or expire before next season. Luckily there’s quite large, well-stocked grocery stores nearby if needed.

A package of hollandaise sauce becomes an excuse for eggs benedict one morning. Canned pineapple, fish sauce, and a lot of extra rice quickly becomes fried rice. The final dregs of maple syrup and a couple of really ripe bananas make for banana pancakes. Powdered potato flakes make for creamy mashed potatoes with a roast pork tenderloin. Clearly we do not starve on board…

And there’s so much local food things! Pomegranates grow by the side of the road. Lotta turned me onto the peruvian pepper trees by their apartment (Schinus Molte) which are currently drying and readying for the pepper grinder next season, as well as the rosemary that is planted as a hedge (I always grab a couple of sprigs when leaving their place).
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